Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Potential Trouble

Yep, there is potential trouble in the Rydholm household. I don't mean a little trouble, but big, really big trouble. You see, I think we are out of cookies. Not just any cookies, but our 2.35 oz (pre-baking), full of chocolate goodness, incredibly delicious cookies.

While making lunches yesterday, I got the last two cookies out of the freezer in the kitchen. We freeze the cookies immediately after baking which keeps them nice and fresh tasting. We then get them in our lunches. I get a full one each day, but Amber somehow survives on a MWF schedule where she eats half a cookie M-Th and a full one on Friday.

My memory was that there was another bag of them in the deep freeze in the garage, but I couldn't find them this morning. As we had to get to swimming, I didn't have time to completely check the freezer (its big and full), so that why it is only potential trouble at this point. I promise to report back whether or not I find them. Its possible that there is cookie dough in there which is half trouble since we won't have time to bake them tonight.

BTW- in case you wondered why I know that they are 2.35 oz (pre-baking) cookies. It is because I weigh the dough out for each one. Sunny finds this funny, but it provides good consistency.

As far a training goes, we get to head up Lee Hill and Deer Trail tonight.

Peace Out,


kerrie said...

yeah, i find it funny too! why 2.35 oz, why not 2.5?

Amber and Eric Rydholm said...

2.5 ounces is too big. 2.0 was too small. We're engineers, we tested.