Monday, July 21, 2008

I hate being somewhat sick.

Being in the limbo land of somewhat sick is very annoying. Last week, I came down with a sinus infection mid-week, like I seem to do once a year. My main goal for last week then became to get better enough for Sunday's run which A wrote about on Friday.

Took Wednesday off from training. I biked very easy to and from work on Thursday which seemed to help clear me up a bit. On Friday, I felt better still and Amber and I biked easy that evening to Rush for a smoothie bowl with our cycling team. On Saturday, as A went up the hills with Jared, I biked with three friends up to Lyons, around the loops up there, and back to Boulder. My heart rate stayed low the whole time, so I really hoped that I would be ready for Sunday's run and swim.

Didn't sleep well on Saturday due to heat and congestion. Woke up Sunday feeling worse than I had on Saturday. Try to stay positive and head out for the run with A. During our first thirty minutes, I have a headache and am struggling to keep pace. She asks me what my heartrate is a one point and it is 160. Hers is 135. Oh boy. Pick it up to our goal pace after 30 minutes and I realize that it isn't going to happen today. At the next trailhead, I turned left to head home while she turned right to head to Niwot. I eventually make to home, very upset that I couldn't do this workout that had been part of our prep of the last two IM's. But, there are 33 days until Canada, so I've got to get healthy and focus on the workouts to come and not dwell on the missed ones.

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