Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bunnies, bunnies, bunnies!

Our front yard is being over run by bunnies. I thought they were kind of cute, even if they did get Izzy-dog all excited, until they started eating all my flowers. Grrrrrr.

This morning, we were leaving the house early for our track run before work and I almost stepped on the smallest, roundest, CUTEST bunny ever. I wanted so badly just to try and pick it up. It was crouched down right next to the car in the grass and I was coming around to load my work and clothes bags into the back seat when I "eeeked" because it surprised me. I carefully walked around it, loaded my things into the car, walked back around it to the front seat and got in. The whole time it didn't move.

Eric asked if it was dead, but I didn't think so, just scared. And very, very still. When we turned the car on, right next to it, it tried to get even smaller, but still didn't hop away. We carefully maneuvered out of the driveway and left. It still hadn't budged.

The track workout went well. It was geared more towards good 5k pacing than some of the faster sessions of weeks past. I rediscovered the importance of not trying HARDER, just moving my feet FASTER.

Turnover, turnover, turnover!

I was getting bogged down in trying to lengthen my stride, push harder with my legs, get me knees up just a bit higher, and suffering through more and more lactic buildup. When I shifted my focus to pumping my arms and letting that drive my leg turnover up, the times started to drop and my stride naturally lengthened and my knees automatically were getting higher.

Like its all supposed to do.

I just forgot.

So....a very good session at the track. Now I just need to recover for the next 46 h or so and then remember this little lesson come the run portion on Saturday.

At least then I should have some folks to chase....they'll be my race "rabbits."


1 comment:

kerrie said...

turnover - that is what it is all about!!!!
thanks for all of your virtual cheers - it helped :). see you back in boulder in a couple weeks!!