Saturday, January 3, 2009


Yesterday, Amber and I managed to survive an ill planned time trial up Mt. Sanitas. Ill planned as we wanted to get it done early before she went work, but on January 2nd the sun doesn't come up that early, Mt. Sanitas has a lot of rocks to run over and we didn't bring any headlamps with us. We did try though and I fell once, hit a lot of rocks with my feet, had to stop a few times to see where the trail went, etc. It was four or five minutes slower for the both of us than last time. Fortunately it was getting a bit lighter by the time we headed down. Lesson learned, but no major injuries.

Today though we headed to Eldora to ski with our former Michigan Tech teammates, Eric and Amanda. Since we were going different speeds and they are unfamiliar with Eldora, we headed to a two way loop so that we could keep track of each other. Unfortunately, Amber and Amanda met each other going the opposite ways at a corner and both tried to take the outside line. They collided head first with Amber's eyebrow getting cut with her sunglasses and causing some pretty good bleeding (I didn't see it first hand). An ER nurse happened on them a minute later and suggested stitches, so we headed out and Amber and I went to an ER in Boulder. Four stitches later, she is put back together, but feeling pretty crappy.

So, we survived a sketchy run on day and she gets banged up during a routine ski the next.

Stay safe out there.

1 comment:

The Original SunnyD said...

Don't feel crappy Amber... it could happen to anybody! HOpe you heal really fast.